Let's Talk

Hi, I'm Carlo 👋

Vol. 80 🎙️🍃 Byte-Sized Soundscapes, Part 4: Cross Curricular Observations

Vol. 80 🎙️🍃 Byte-Sized Soundscapes, Part 4: Cross Curricular Observations

Kindergarten Scientists make connections with sight and sound recordings.

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Vol. 79 🕵️ Helping Students Become Analysis Experts

Vol. 79 🕵️ Helping Students Become Analysis Experts

3 ways we've started projects with a class analysis and discussion.

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Vol. 73 🛒 A Shopping List for the Food Bank

Vol. 73 🛒 A Shopping List for the Food Bank

A Grade 3 class raises money, writes a shopping list and travels to the grocery store to help their community.

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Vol. 70 🎙️🍃 Byte Sized Soundscapes, Part 3!

Vol. 70 🎙️🍃 Byte Sized Soundscapes, Part 3!

Kindergarteners explore the sounds of their school while learning core skills through visual aids.

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Vol. 65 💭 Road Trip Wisdom From Our First Pro-D Day

Vol. 65 💭 Road Trip Wisdom From Our First Pro-D Day

Inspiring connections, creative exchanges and our first time as conference presenters!

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Vol. 64 🤲 Little Hands, Big Responsibilities – Introducing iPads in K-2

Vol. 64 🤲 Little Hands, Big Responsibilities – Introducing iPads in K-2

We teach primary students the importance of responsibility through creative expression.

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