Vol. 69 🤖🥊 It’s Robot Fighting Time!
Cross-curricular Battlebots inspired design lessons in Grades 5, 6 & 7.
We're teaming up with amazing educators to create a vibrant space where fun, experimentation, and play are at the heart of learning.
A space to Bring
Grade 4 students develop animal adaptation trading cards.
Embracing a natural moment of reflection in Grade 3.
Inspiring connections, creative exchanges and our first time as conference presenters!
We teach primary students the importance of responsibility through creative expression.
Copy and paste, click and drag, scale and rotate… these might be second nature to some, but how do we ensure everyone can click along?
Grade 7 students cook up a cross-curricular meal plan. One tablespoon of ADST, a heaping cup of PHE, and a dash of personal finance.
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