Let's Talk

Explore the Stories from Inside Today’s Classrooms.

We're teaming up with amazing educators to create a vibrant space where fun, experimentation, and play are at the heart of learning.

Vol. 69 🤖🥊 It’s Robot Fighting Time!

Vol. 69 🤖🥊 It’s Robot Fighting Time!

Cross-curricular Battlebots inspired design lessons in Grades 5, 6 & 7.

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Vol. 65 💭 Road Trip Wisdom From Our First Pro-D Day

Vol. 65 💭 Road Trip Wisdom From Our First Pro-D Day

Inspiring connections, creative exchanges and our first time as conference presenters!

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Carlo and Jani plan their next throw at the Disc Golf Course while Jen and Dylan look on.

Vol. 61 🤝 What’s it like collaborating with Classmate?

Questions we ask when we’re brainstorming and planning with teachers.

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Vol. 54. Connecting Storytelling to Assessment 🫶

Vol. 54. Connecting Storytelling to Assessment 🫶

What does it take to lead an assessment revolution?

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Vol. 50. D&D Club is a Critical Hit! 🐉

Vol. 50. D&D Club is a Critical Hit! 🐉

How a school’s Dungeons and Dragons Club has become a cross-curricular movement.

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Vol. 46. From There to Here 🛬

Vol. 46. From There to Here 🛬

Grade 5 Students produce family immigration interview stories!

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A space to Bring

Dreams to Life

Vol. 67 🐊 I choose you, Crocatalat!

Vol. 67 🐊 I choose you, Crocatalat!

Grade 4 students develop animal adaptation trading cards.

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Vol. 66 🏔️ Landform Construction & Impromptu Reflections

Vol. 66 🏔️ Landform Construction & Impromptu Reflections

Embracing a natural moment of reflection in Grade 3.

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Vol. 65 💭 Road Trip Wisdom From Our First Pro-D Day

Vol. 65 💭 Road Trip Wisdom From Our First Pro-D Day

Inspiring connections, creative exchanges and our first time as conference presenters!

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Vol. 64 🤲 Little Hands, Big Responsibilities – Introducing iPads in K-2

Vol. 64 🤲 Little Hands, Big Responsibilities – Introducing iPads in K-2

We teach primary students the importance of responsibility through creative expression.

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Vol. 63 🧑‍💻Transitioning From Touchscreens to Trackpads

Vol. 63 🧑‍💻Transitioning From Touchscreens to Trackpads

Copy and paste, click and drag, scale and rotate… these might be second nature to some, but how do we ensure everyone can click along?

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Vol. 62 🥘 Cross-Curricular Cooking

Vol. 62 🥘 Cross-Curricular Cooking

Grade 7 students cook up a cross-curricular meal plan. One tablespoon of ADST, a heaping cup of PHE, and a dash of personal finance.

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— Alyssa Kunz, Grade 6 Teacher

"Essentially you get a new, refreshed project that will engage students without having to overhaul your previous projects."

— Student, Elementary

"I wish I could’ve gone to the bathroom, but it was so fun I didn’t want to leave!"

— Caoimhe Townsend, Grade 7 Teacher

"The students were genuinely interested in the topic — I found they put more effort into their work as a result. They even asked if they could work on it in their spare time, which was amazing to see! "

— Student, Elementary

"I learned what you can do with creativity!"

— Renee Foran, Grade 1 Teacher

"You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! I went from being stressed and overwhelmed to calm and patient (and dare I say almost confident?!). With each activity we do, I’m inspired to try and do and learn more."

— Student, Grade 6

"I loved this animation project so much that I’ve decided I want to be the head artist of Pixar studios when I grow up."

— Anna Csomor, Grade 6 Teacher

"Classroom projects have been enhanced and students are highly motivated and engaged when learning. Overall, I have witnessed the positive impact on our students' learning journeys."

— Teacher

"It’s like you have a friend coming to help you."

— Student, Grade 6

"I grew my presenting skills and now I have less social anxiety when presenting – all starting with this Classmate podcast project."

— Raychelyn Beliveau, Grade 6 Teacher

"The students feel comfortable taking risks. Then, when they apply it to a project, they really push one another to find the best way to use the tool."

— Mike Penney, Grade 5 Teacher

"I feel creative when we collaborate. It pushes me to embrace technology and get out of my comfort zone."

— Teacher

"Before, I saw technology as a tool… but now I see it more as a creative instrument that we need to learn how to play."

Interested in giving your students a similar experience?

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